What is MURNInets?

  • MURNInets refers to the Malaysian Urban Rural National Indicators Network for Sustainable Development.
  • MURNInets is a tool to measure and evaluate the sustainability level of a local authority’s area through a set of predetermined indicators.

Malaysian Urban Indicators Network (MURNInet)

Phase 1 (1998 – 2010)

  • In 1998, PLANMalaysia had initiated a study on urban sustainability indicators. The first set of urban sustainability indicators were produced in 2002 and was then known as the Malaysia Urban Indicators Network (MURNInet).
  • MURNInet was comprised of 11 major sectors and 56 indicators. The measurement for sustainability was carried out manually at that time.
  • In 2007, the Sustainable City Award was introduced by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government to be given to local authorities that were deemed sustainable according to the indicators.
  • From 2007 to 2009, a pilot MURNInet system was established to enable local authorities to enter data on sustainability indicators, for a more systematic approach in getting results.
  • In 2010, after undertaking a review to streamline the indicators in accordance with the relevent national policies, the indicators were then reduced from 56 to 40.

Malaysian Urban Rural National Indicators Network for Sustainable Development (MURNInets)

Phase 2 (2011 – 2016)

  • In 2011, the MURNInet programme was reviewed in tandem with the country’s aspirations as laid down in the 10th Malaysia Plan (RMK-10), National Urbanisation Policy (NUP) and the 2nd National Physical Plan (NPP2).
  • This review involved test runs of the new system in 2012, for four (4) local authorities.
  • This review exercise has resulted in the rebranding of MURNInet to the Malaysian Urban Rural National Indicators Network for Sustainable Development (MURNInets).
  • MURNInets then contained 6 dimension, 21 themes and 36 indicators.
  • In 2012, the MURNInets Gateway was launched. This is a comprehensive web portal which allows local authorities to enter sustainability indicators data and view the results online.
  • From 2013 to 2016, MURNInets has gained recognition and is widely known as the tool to measure urban sustainability for Malaysia. It is a major program undertaken by the department, Ministry of Housing and Local Government and other related agencies.

Malaysian Urban Rural National Indicators Network for Sustainable Development (MURNInets 2.0)

Phase 3 (2017 – current)

  • In 2017, after 4 years of implementation, MURNInets was revised and enhanced futher with the feedbacks and inputs obtained in trial runs involving the 6 local authorities. The latest version of MURNInets is called the Malaysian Urban Rural National Indicators Network for Sustainable Development 2.0 (MURNInets 2.0).
  • MURNInets 2.0 presently has 6 dimension, 22 themes and 43 indicators.


  • To determine the level of sustainability of local authorities in the country based on a set of indicators.
  • To identify the strengths and weaknesses of every local authority based on the performance of indicators.
  • To propose measures to improve and identify opportunities to enhance sustainability.
  • To establish MURNInets 2.0 as the tool for local authorities to monitor their sustainability level.

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