Rancangan Fizikal Negara


In formulating the physical planning direction of the country, NPP also translates and coordinates other economic, social and sectoral development policies into physical and spatial dimensions. The policies, strategies and actions contained in the NPP will be translated at the regional / state planning level through state structure plans and economic corridor development plans, and at the local planning level through local plans and special area plans.


The NPP4 covers Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal Territory of Labuan. It excludes Sabah and Sarawak as these states have not adopted the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172) and have their respective State Structure Plans to guide the physical development of the states. The Federal Constitution, under Article 95E also excludes the States of Sabah and Sarawak from national plans for land utilisation, local government, development, etc.


The NPP4 Strategic Planning Concept adopts the concept of Comprehensive Spatial Ecosystem (CSES) with emphasis on achieving optimal land use, economic development in key growth areas, enhancing inter-regional connectivity through integrated networks, preserving and conserving ecological along with agricultural assets.


NPP4 has formed a planning framework that provides synergy to the country's physical planning landscape. Aiming for a Prosperous and Resilient Nation to ensure continuous Well-being, this document will act as an instrument in rationalising the aspirations of the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030, the 12th Malaysia Plan and sectoral strategic policies.



Thrust 1 Balanced and Dynamic Growth

A more flexible spatial development strategy is important to strengthen the country’s strategic position and drive the country towards a more competitive economic development. Hence, national security planning is strengthened, which is supported by an integrated transportation network and improved provisioning of digital and smart infrastructure. This Balanced and Dynamic Growth Thrust has four (4) strategic directions, namely:

PD 1: Strengthening Nation’s Strategic Position at Global Level

PD 2: Sustainable and Competitive Economic Growth

PD 3: Strategic and Integrated Transportation Network Connectivity

PD 4: Improving Digital and Smart Infrastructure

Thrust 2 Spatial Sustainability and Climate Change Resilience

Spatial sustainability and climate change resilience focuses on holistic land use planning and sustainable management of national resources, supported by development that leads towards a carbon neutral nation. This Spatial Sustainability and Climate Change Resilience Thrust has three (3) strategic directions, namely:

KD 1: Holistic Land Use Planning

KD 2: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Food Resources and Heritage Resources

KD 3: Development Towards a Carbon Neutral Nation

Thrust 3 Liveable Environment and Inclusive Community

A comprehensive planning takes into account the physical needs of the human living environment for all ages of the population through community togetherness in development towards achieving universal well-being. An inclusive and liveable community is an important element towards achieving a prosperous and balanced planning and development. The Liveable Environment and Inclusive Community Thrust has four (4) strategic directions, namely:

KI 1: Housing Provision Planning for All

KI 2: Building Educated and Competitive Society

KI 3: Conducive and Liveable Environment

KI 4: Community-Friendly Planning and Development


NPP4 has outlined four (4) key strategic initiatives, namely:

  1. Protection of Natural Resources Areas and National Food Security
  2. Provision of Fiscal Incentives for the Conservation of Natural Resources and the Protection of National Food Security
  3. Establishment of a New Regional Planning Committee for Inter-State Land Use Coordination
  4. Inclusion of State Waters as a Local Planning Authority (LPA) Area


The 4th National Physical Plan puts a special emphasis on guiding the spatial planning and the land use of the country’s development until 2040. This is achieved through the formulation of specific strategies and actions covering the pattern of land use development, economic growth, resource preservation and management, integration and improvement of national transport network and infrastructure, and improvement of quality of life towards a Prosperous and Resilient Nation to ensure continuous Well-Being. The implementation of this NPP4 requires the commitment of all relevant parties, especially the Ministries and agencies at the Federal and State Government levels as well as other relevant agencies to ensure that the planning and development of the nation is coordinated and is in line with the planning and development strategy of NPP4.

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