DPF Desa Negara 2030


Background Of National Rural Physical Planning Policy

The National Rural PPP 2030 is the first spatial rural development policy in Malaysia. It is the first step in accordance with the Nine Indicative Plan in the second NPP stating the needs for a rural national development policy. The policy is to serve the National Urbanisation Policy by providing a holistic planning for rural development and to complement the National Urban Policy for urban areas in Malaysia. The Rural National PPP is an operational plan that encompasses aspects of social, economic, environment, transportation, infrastructure, utility, heritage, management and monitoring mechanism. Rural National PPP provides policy statement, strategies and performance measures by themes and thrust to realise development visions until the year 2030.

A support system developed specifically for the Rural National PPP is the Characteristics of Rural Malaysia System (CHARMs), which contain the rural sustainability criteria that functions as a planning and decision making support tool for rural development, and also to monitor the implementation of the Rural National PPP.

Provision Needs Of National Rural PPP

  1. Availability of various information, studies and definitions relating to rural that requires coordination
  2. Urban-rural gap
  3. Loss of active labor group
  4. Various rural characteristics and village types that require efficient planning
  5. Rural resource assets and biodiversity that are not utilised sustainably
  6. Rural heritage products that are not preserved as rural attractions
  7. Erosion of rural image and identity
  8. District growth centre that (PPD) fails to function as a service and economic growth centre
  9. Overlapping functions and financial allocations at various ministries and agencies

Definitions Of Village, Towns, District Growth Centre and Village

Areas other than urban locations, comprising of all types of settlement villages, small towns and other settlements of less than 10,000 populations, with agricultural characteristics and rich in natural resources.

A small settlement with urban characteristics located in rural areas with less than 10,000 population, accomodating small scale commercial activities, public facilities and weekly activities (morning/agriculture markets, day/night markets).

Rural service centre for several villages located in clusters with threshold population of less than 2,500.

A traditional settlement in rural areas with high traditional characteristics in terms of socio-cultural and physical.

Categories Of Village In Malaysia

1)    Traditional Village

  • Its existence is unplanned or organic.
  • Traditional villages in the urban areas accomodating high numbers of the population with the majority involved in urban activities. The physical condition of the villages are less organised and crammed.
  • Traditional villages in the rural areas are low in density. The setllement distribution is influenced by local economic activities such as agriculture, mining and others. The pattern is either linear or clustered.
  • Traditional villages can also be found on islands.
  • Majority population of the traditional villages are the Malays and Chinese.

2)    Fishing Village

  • Village settlements are located at either the confluence or along the rivers, edges of the beach and on islands.
  • Malays and Chinese are the major population.
  • Their occupations include fishing, boat making and activities relating to sea and river products.
  • Natural factors such as rivers, estuaries and beaches influence the physical pattern of fishing villages.
  • Villages are compact.

3)    Structured Village

  • Villages are planned based on several reasons such as relocation of villages, granted lands and natural disaster.
  • Structured village layouts.
  • Low and medium density.
  • People are involved with various economic activities.  

4)    Village On Water

  • Located on river, lake or sea, the houses are built on stilts on the water.
  • They are connected through jetties or wooden bridges.
  • Various densities depending on locations.
  • Malays and Chinese are the major population.
  • Their occupations include fishing, boat making and activities relating to sea and river products.

5)    Orang Asli Villages

  • They are unplanned settlements with their own unique identities.
  • Located in remote areas usually near the rivers.
  • The settlement pattern is scattered according to their tribes.
  • They are engaged with subsistence jobs such as agriculture, gathering forest produce, hunting and fishing.
  • Their means for living involve agriculture, gathering forest produce, hunting and fishing.

6)    Land Settlement Plans Of FELDA / FELCRA / RISDA

  • Settlement villages are planned following large scale land development.
  • Population are mainly amongst the Malay.
  • The basic concept is to eradicate poverty and to award land titles by building self-contained settlements for the people in the rural areas.  
  • The settlement pattern is either concentrated or clustered.
  • Population density is medium high.

7)    New Village

  • Village settlements created during the emergency periods (1948-1960) in addressing communist threats.  
  • Chinese population.
  • Located in rubber plantations, tin mining areas, and surrounding existing towns.
  • The settlement pattern is either concentrated or iron-grid.

8)    Estate Settlement

  • Estate quarters provided by employers managing the estates
  • Clustered settlement pattern.
  • Mainly Indian population.
  • The main activity is planting oil palms and rubber trees.  


National Rural PPP translates rural development policies into physical plans that are integrated with the Village Grid System. This system will assist in resolving issues of village boundaries and setting specific policies based on different characteristics of villages in accordance to their categories and needs.

Typology Criteria for Rural Grid System

Major Urban (U1)
•    Part of metropolitan and major urban areas.
•    90 percent are built areas.
•    Total population of more than 25,000 people.
•    Located in town centres.

Secondary Urban (U2)
•    Part of state capital and district, and major urban areas.
•    70-90 percent are built areas.
•    Total population of 10,000-25,000 people.
•    Distance to the nearest town centre: 5-10 km.

Urban Rural (UR)
•    Urban areas (major settlement centre) outside the country’s major conurbation – urban periphery.
•    70-90 percent are built areas.
•    Total population of 5,000-10,000 people.
•    Distance to the nearest town centre: 10-20 km.

Rural Urban (RU)
•    Urban / town (small settlement centre).
•    50 percent are built areas.
•    Total population less than 5,000 people.
•    Distance to the nearest town centre: 20-40 km.

Rural (R5)
•    Rural growth centre (RGC) and major villages.
•    70 percent are forest and agriculture areas.
•    Total population less than 2,500 people.
•    Distance to the nearest town centre: 40-50 km.

Major / Mainly Rural (R6)
•    Remote areas with few villages.
•    90 percent are forest and agriculture areas.
•    Total population less than 1,000 people.
•    Distance to the nearest town centre: >50 km.


CHARMs is a system specifically developed for National Rural PPP intended for :

1)    Evaluating village sustainability  level

  • Identifying villages that have reached sufficient development level from aspects of facilities and physical condition.
  • Improving quality of life amongst villagers.

2)    Supporting in decision making and allocation distribution

  • Identifying villages that need help in providing public facilities, infrastucture and utility facilities according to priority.
  • Facilitating more efficient and transparent transfer of aids by the agencies involved in the planning and rural development to the target groups.

3)    Assisting in monitoring implementation of National Rural PPP

  • Identifying the level of  implementation of National Rural PPP based on prescribed implementation indicators.
  • Improving the implementation of National Rural PPP if needed.



Prosperous means free from all difficulties, peaceful and prosperous. The vision is derived to give the rural a future outlook and image that is prosperous to live in and able to contribute to the prosperity of the nation.  



  • The combination of nature and agricultural areas provides a green image to the rural areas.
  • Forests, rivers, beaches, lakes, highlands and mountains are preserved.
  • Preservation of nature and various rural biodiversity.
  • Controlled agricultural activities.
  • Sustainable use of rural natural resources.
  • Practice of healthy and green lifestyle.


  • A more sensitive development/human activities and emphasising on the preservation of nature.
  • Complementing/ supporting and not contradicting.
  • Developing a relaxing and comfortable environment to live in.
  • Preserving the image of rural areas that are low in density, homogenous community, quiet and peaceful environment, close-knit social ties and a variety of traditional architectural styles.


  • Natural assets in rural areas are developed sustainably to increase the income and comfort of the rural population.
  • Focusing on food agro in becoming the nation’s major food supplier.
  • Diversifying economic opportunities  based of rural resources.


Thrust 1 : Sustainable Management of Rural Environment
Thrust 2 : Reinforcing Symbiotic Urban – Rural Relationship
Thrust 3 : Reinforcing Rural Livability
Thrust 4 : Empowering Rural Economy
Thrust 5 : Implementable Rural Management


Sustainable development and natural environment is of utmost importance in ensuring the prosperity and harmony of rural community life in particular, and all Malaysians in general. Rapid development that disregard negative impact on the natural environment and rural community can influence the efficiency of physical, social and economic programs of an area and the direction of the planning development. The natural environment is also the major component that provides green image for the rural areas. Preservation of forest areas, fertile agricultural land, natural landscaping such as mountains, hills, rivers, lakes and beaches are important to enliven the prosperity and tranquillity of the rural areas. Therefore, the high value of Malaysian biodiversities need to be safeguarded because they provide economic opportunities to the rural population and has the potential to be introduced around the world.

  • 4 Policy Statements
  • 9 Strategies
  • 24 Measures

Urban-rural relationship is important because rural settlement still depends on specific functions of urban not available in the rural. In creating an effective two way relationship, towns serve as links between urban-rural. Efficient network communication and accessibility are essential in strengthening the urban-rural relationship. Besides accelerating movement of rural population, transportation network enables market expansion of rural products. Other important urban-rural relationship are:

  1. Connecting people to urban employment.
  2. Reducing rural urban migration.
  3. Facilitating marketing of agriculture produce, ecotourism and other rural products as a source of economy.
  4. Supporting rural tourism development.
  • 2 Policy Statements
  • 4 Strategies
  • 9 Measures


Rural livability is an area that is comfortable to reside with tranquil living. It is characterised  by its environmental and architectural beauty, fertile agriculture and natural landscape area, as well as comfortable settlement. Efforts to increase the rural population by conserving the rural characteristics have become the main proposal of the National Rural PPP. The policy targets to turn the rural area as an option for living because of its beauty and tranquility factors, supported by employment opportunities and good public facilities. In relation to that, provision of basic amenities, infrastructure and utilities, and economic opportunities should be equivalent to those in the urban areas.

  • 5 Policy Statements
  • 19 Strategies
  • 52 Measures


In driving rural economy that is able to generate wealth and sustainable income, a holistic and integrated approach is important to ensure a balance development not affecting the community values and natural environment of villages. This thrust focuses on aspects of  economy and rural resources in supporting rural community development that is more dynamic, proactive and comprehensive. Rural community should be proactive in mindset and actions in realising the role of villages as resouces for human capital and physical capital, as well as a symbol of culture and identity of being Malaysian. They should not be regarded as a ‘subsidised’ community because of the existence of various resources that have potentials to be generated sustainably.

  • 3 Policy Statements
  • 8 Strategies
  • 14 Measures


Responsibility, committment and dedication in every organisation including full rural community participation is highly crucial in ensuring the success of rural development projects and programs to achieve the nation’s aspirations in becoming a developed country that is inclusive and sustainable in the future. Good rural governance will enrich the nation’s competitiveness, generate human potentials to empower service performance, lead the transformation of services, maintain professionalism and fulfill stakeholder’s expectations, particularly the rural communities and various local organisations. Good rural governance system commonly considers five factors involving focusing on the rural community, ethics and transparency, accountability and integrity, effective and efficient, and change in management. Excellence in rural development is strongly dependent on good governance practice and strong support from various organisations and implementation agencies apart from the rural community participation. It involves organisations at the federal, state and district levels as well as leadership at the grassroot level, which is the JKKK.

  • 3 Policy Statements
  • 6 Strategies
  • 14 Measures


Based on the inputs from state government, there are 16,369 villages in West Malaysia and Labuan FT. National Rural PPP 2030 prepared under the Phase 1 has identified 15,091 villages along with their spatial locations while the remaining 468 villages will be identified in Phase 2  (including villages in Sabah and Sarawak).

The National Rural PPP achievement evaluation level will be implemented in the year 2019, two years after its adoption. Several programs on steps of using National Rural PPP will be distributed and its evaluation method will be conducted to increase the understanding of agencies and involved parties. This will include various agencies at federal, state, district and local levels.

National Rural PPP has the potential to combat the following main issues related to the rural development in Malaysia as follows :

  • The environment and biodiversity of rural areas need to be preserved, conserved and restored.
  • The development gap between urban and rural can be overcome through the proposed upgrading of existing towns with various facilities.
  • Villages located adjacent to towns must be controlled from urban sprawl threats to preserve the rural image and identity.
  • Diversity of viable rural sources must be further strengthened to improve the opportunities and economic level of the rural community.  
  • Effective rural administrative management depends on good leadership at the village and district level.

CHARMs which is prepared together with National Rural PPP plays a main role in strengthening the rural administration. The sustainability level of villages can be measured through CHARMs and this will facilitate the State Government in preparing improvement plans involving physical, social and economy of a village. This  is important in ensuring the provision of all facilities in accordance to current needs and the potentials of the village to be fully developed in order to bring positive impacts to the rural community.  National Rural PPP preparation is also able to support the achievement of government’s aspiration in line with the vision, Prosperous Rural, Prosperous Nation.

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